Second installment
The second installment will be paid at the end of the study abroad program, after receipt of all scholarship-relevant documents (Certificate of Departure, personal experience report in digital and paper form, Transcript of Records) and participation in the 2nd OLS language test and EU online questionnaire (invitation will be sent by e-mail).
Please note: The IStO will reclaim any overpayments (e.g. due to shortening the duration of your stay due to illness). You must also expect a refund if the documents relevant to the scholarship are not submitted to the IStO by the deadline or if the 20 ECTS credits earned abroad per semester are not achieved.
The second installment is due at the end of the study abroad program, after receipt of all scholarship-relevant documents or completion of all required steps in Mobility Online:
DLA "Changes During the Mobility" (if changes are necessary)
Certificate of Departure
Personal experience report
EU survey
Transcript of Records
If you have applied for and received funding for an extension, the new Grant Agreement (GA - with extension) in paper form is also part of the final documents for the second installment.
Normally, the second installment is paid after the following dates:
January 30
March 30
June 30
September 30
Later payments are only permitted if the documents are issued later by the host university. In this case, please inform us briefly by e-mail.
Please note: The IStO will reclaim any overpayments (e.g. due to a shortened stay due to illness). You must also expect a refund if the documents relevant to the scholarship are not submitted to the IStO on time or if the 20 ECTS credits earned abroad per semester are not achieved.
Recognition of academic achievements
The coursework completed abroad can be recognized here at KIT. If you have obtained the corresponding recognition confirmations before the start of your semester abroad, you can now redeem them with your professors. Recognition is regulated by your KIT faculty. Information on this can be found on the ERASMUS+ exchange page of your KIT faculty.
You can find out about your rights and obligations and the legal framework for recognition in the flyer from the German Rectors' Conference on the subject, source: https: //
Conversion of examination results
The recognition and conversion of examinations taken abroad is generally the responsibility of the faculties. In addition to grades, other aspects such as SWS, course content and different grade distributions often play a role in practice. The Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs recommends the modified Bavarian formula as a practical basis for converting examination results. In practice, it may be best to use a conversion table that you have found and cite the source. However, this can only ever be a recommendation!
The "modified Bavarian formula":
Where the following applies:
x = grade sought
Nmax = Maximum grade (top grade) of the respective grading scale
ND= Grade value to be converted
Nmin = Lowest passing grade of the respective grading scale
The maximum and the lowest passing grade should be taken from the grading system used at the foreign university/for the respective degree program submitted by the student.
Example Spain
The Spanish grading scale ranges from 0-10. The Spanish transcript of records shows that the maximum achievable grade is 10 and the lowest passing grade is 5. The student has achieved an 8 in the examination. After applying the modified Bavarian formula, the converted German grade is 2.2.