Organising BIPs

Information for Faculties

There are a few things to bear in mind when organizing BIPs. It is important to adhere to the framework conditions, to distribute the roles between the partner institutions and to start the process from planning to application to implementation at an early stage.

The organisation and implementation of a BIP is the responsibility of the faculties. The IStO is happy to provide advice and take care of the administrative handling of financial support.

Compliance with the framework conditions is of great importance in order to ensure the eligibility of the BIP.

  • At least 3 European universities from 3 different programme countries must work together.
    • List of programme countries
    • Please check whether a contract already exists between KIT and the partner institutions. If not, please contact the IStO.
  • BIPs for students, whether Bachelor, Master or PhD, must have at least 3 CP.
    • The BIP should be integrated into the curriculum. This simplifies recognition and enables registration via ILIAS.
  • At least 15 mobile participants are required (min. 10 from Call 2024).
    • Mobile participants in the BIP sense are all participants for whom the attendance phase takes place at a foreign university. If a BIP takes place at KIT, for example, KIT students do not count as mobile participants.
  • The physical mobility must last between 5 and 30 days. In addition, there is a mandatory virtual phase, the timing and duration of which can be freely chosen.
  • A contact person needs to be chosen for each BIP by the faculty.

Each participating university takes on one of the following roles:

Sending university

  • This role can be taken on by several universities, but at least two
  • Each sending university must manage the funding for its mobile participants and finance them from its budget

Host university

  • Only one of the universities takes on this role. The BIP is implemented in the host country or at the host university itself.
  • Although the learners at this higher education institution take part in the BIP, they are not considered mobile participants as they do not change location.
    • They are not eligible for mobility funding.
    • They do not count towards the minimum number of mobile participants.

Coordinating university

  • The coordinating university is responsible for overall coordination
  • It applies for and manages the BIP organizational funds (Organizational Support, OS)
    • The OS funds amount to 400€ per mobile participant, up to a maximum of 8000€.
    • The OS funds can be used relatively freely for the implementation of the BIP
  • From an administrative point of view, it is easiest if the coordinating university is also the host university, as funds are allocated directly and do not have to be transferred several times.

An application for funding can only be submitted once the rough idea for the BIP has been finalised and at least 3 universities have come together.

Applications must always be submitted to the IStO in January for BIPs taking place in the following academic year.

  1. Send a BIP-draft by 31.01. to erasmus-shortterm∂ In case you missed the deadline, feel free to reach out to us. It may also be possible to finance a BIP from residual funds.
  2. The IStO then submits the application to the DAAD.
  3. Approval/rejection by the DAAD usually takes place by June.
  4. After approval of the funds, the planning of the BIP can be finalized and the mobile participants can be selected.
  5. Implementation of the BIP by September of the year following application at the latest.

If the KIT is the coordinating university, the IStO receives the OS funds from the DAAD and forwards them to the organizing body within the faculties. For this to be possible, a suitable WBS* must be available or applied for at the faculty. Please complete the necessary from as follows (form only available in German: PSP-Stammdatenformular):

  • Check DAAD
  • Select and enter the WBS number (PSP-Nummer)
  • Assign and enter cost center for WBS
  • Enter contact person

The WBS must be balanced during settlement via the institute's residual collector. It is up to the institution whether the WBS is settled per BIP or retained and remainders or debit balances are collected until settlement and only then settled via the GRS ("Restesammler").

It is advisable to apply for the PSP at the same time as the BIP. The OS funds of €400 per mobile participant (maximum €8,000 in total) are only paid out after the BIP has been administratively completed. However, the WBS can already be debited beforehand.

If you have any questions on this topic, please contact sascha.steinmetz∂

Please note that the procedure described only applies to the university area/south campus.


*WBS (work breakdown structure) = PSP (Projektstrukturplan)