Before you leave Germany, there are a few organizational matters to consider. If you have any questions, please contact the IScO.
The following timetable will help you to keep an overview and avoid unnecessary stress in the last few weeks.
Three Months Before Departure
IMPORTANT: Deregistration at the Residents' Registration Office
If you leave Germany to return to your home country, you must deregister at your local Residents' Registration Office (Einwohnermeldeamt) in the Karlsruhe area.
Deregistration at the Residents' Registration Office can be done electronically or in writing. It is usually processed immediately on site.
You will need the following documents to deregister:
- completed form
- a copy of your passport
- a copy of your residence permit
If you cancel your registration in writing, you will receive a confirmation of cancellation by mail.
Please note: If you move to another German city, you do NOT have to deregister, but only register at your new place of residence.
IMPORTANT: Cancellations
Give notice of cancellation in due time:
- Your rental contract and contracts with local utilities such as electricity, gas, water
- Your health insurance and any other insurance (e.g. liability insurance)
- Your telephone provider, if applicable
- Subscriptions for public transportation such as Bahncard, newspapers/magazines, memberships in associations, clubs, etc.
Please note the various notice periods!
Agreements with the Landlord
Depending on the rental agreement, you may need to make arrangements with the landlord.
If You Have an Employment Contract at KIT
Ask your HR department in good time if you will receive your final salary/grant before you leave. Relocation and final payment often overlap.
If you have been paid a salary and have paid National Insurance contributions, make an appointment to see a Pension Service adviser to discuss your pension rights.
It may be advisable to consult a tax advisor to complete your tax return.
One Month Before Departure
IMPORTANT: Cancel Your Bank Account
If you expect credits or outgoing payments after your departure, it is usually possible to close the account after your departure. Please discuss the details with your bank before you leave Germany.
IMPORTANT: If You Have Traveled to Germany with Children
Inform the school or kindergarten that you are moving.
If you receive child benefit or other social benefits, you must notify the "Bundesagentur für Arbeit" of your move.
IMPORTANT: Return of Book Loans, KIT Card and Keys
Please remember to return borrowed media to the University Library or the Departmental Libraries and avoid fees.
Please return your KIT card to the Registration Desk and all keys to the KIT Facility Management (only in German).
Cancellation of Your Broadcasting Fees ("Rundfunkbeiträge)
If you have paid broadcasting fees, arrange for your deregistration (only in German).
Mail: Forwarding Order and Forwarding Instructions
If necessary, fill out a forwarding request form at the post office so that your mail can be forwarded to you.
If you want to send your luggage by a forwarding agent, make an appointment with the forwarding agent to collect the parcels. Please note the customs regulations.
On the Day of the Move or the Day You Move Out
Handover of the Accommodation
Depending on what you have agreed with your landlord, you will hand over the accommodation properly on the day you move out.
Stay in Contact with the KIT
If you would like to stay in contact with us after you have left KIT and are still active in research, register in our Research Alumni Network. Receive special information, e.g. on research grants, and become a member of our KIT Research Alumni World Map.