Erasmus+ Traineeship

Type: Internships

Erasmus+ area (all EU member states, Iceland, Northern Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey - application possible at any time, all documents must reach KOOR at least 2 weeks before the start of the internship)


WorldwideErasmus+ partner countries (including UK and Switzerland - application documents must reach KOOR at least 2 weeks before the start of the internship. 

Target audience:

Students and graduates (Bachelor and Master)


PhD students are currently not eligible for funding. Please contact the Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS) for funding of internships abroad.

Duration: minimum 60 days, maximum 12 months

monthly financial support


The ERASMUS+ program for internship provides financial assistance to students doing an internship in participating European countries. The scholarship is available to students and graduates who have already found an interniship/placement at an institution or organization abroad.

Graduated students have to apply before the end of their study in order to receive the scholarship. The placement can also start after the end of the study.

Please be aware: the program provides financial grants but does not offer internship places. You should look for a placement on your own. Some internship offers are published on our website (Placements in Europe). Besides, tips to find interships are available in the section Internship Search of this website.

Applications are possible at any time. Please be aware to submit all required documents to KOOR at least 2 weeks in advance of the internship start date.

The scholarship recipients will receive a learning agreement signed by the university, the scholarship holder and the company. It guarantees the recognition of experiences earned abroad (e.g. ECTS or entry into the Diploma Supplement or an equivalent document).


Coordination and application contact

KOOR - Erasmus Services BW (Baden Württemberg Partnership for the Exchange of Students, Graduates and Knowlege Transfer)

The application form of KOOR has to be signed by International Students Office after you filled and signed it yourself. In order to do so, we need your updated KIT enrollment certificate. Please, send it together with KOOR application form to erasmus-out∂


Since the times of the pandemic, there has been a weekly online consultation hour on Tuesdays from 11:00 to 12:00 for students. Here, both those interested in an Erasmus+ stay and students who are already in the application process can directly ask questions to our KOOR team. This service has proven to be very successful so far, which is why we would like to expand it.

Starting immediately, every first Tuesday of the month, a former grant recipient will speak for approximately 10 to 15 minutes during our online consultation hour about their experiences as an Erasmus+ scholarship holder abroad and answer questions about it. Various topics will be covered, including internship and apartment search, life in the host country including leisure activities and cost of living, as well as other organizational aspects.


Funding benefits

Erasmus+ internships worldwide are subject to the same funding conditions as Erasmus+ internships within Europe.