International Excellence Award of KIT and Fellowship of SCHROFF Foundation

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) wishes to grant the ”International Excellence Award of KIT“ in combination with the ”Fellowship of SCHROFF Foundation“ to an internationally renowned scientist from abroad in recognition of her or his scientific achievements. Eligible are researchers of all disciplines and from all countries, whose research has a lasting impact on their discipline also beyond their own field of work and addresses global challenges facing society in the 21st century as well as topics of relevance to the future.

The awardee will receive an invitation to stay at KIT for up to six months in order to execute a self-chosen project in cooperation with the nominating scientists of KIT. Projects extending beyond a single institute or discipline are expressly welcome.

The awardee will receive:

  • The “International Excellence Award of KIT“ in the form of funds for equipment in the amount of up to EUR 50,000 for the execution of a self-chosen research project at the host institute of KIT. These funds will be transferred to the host institute.
  • The “Fellowship of SCHROFF Foundation“ as a subsistence allowance for the awardee during her or his stay of up to six months at KIT.
  • In addition, a research grant can be awarded for up to 1 year to an early-stage researcher (postdoc) from the group of the awardee for a parallel research stay at KIT.

The ”International Excellence Award of KIT“ and the ”Fellowship of SCHROFF Foundation“ are awarded once per year.


Dates in 2024

Nomination Deadline Communication of the Selection Result Award Ceremony
June 10, 2024 Late July, 2024 Fall 2024

All necessary documents and templates as well as details on the nomination and funding procedure can be found below.


Program Information

Nomination and Funding Procedure


Documents to be submitted

Nomination Form
Personal statement of the nominator(s) (laudation, scientific appraisal; 3 pages max.)
Invitation by the host institute(s) of KIT and description of the planned research project (scientific focus, ways of imparting knowledge, e.g. presentations etc.; 3 pages max.)
CV in tabular form
List of key publications of the nominee (10 publications max.)
1 or 2 recommendation letters by internationally acknowledged experts of the nominee’s discipline


Please submit the documents in electronic form to ieg does-not-exist.intl kit edu AND by internal mail service to the following address: Elena Pfeifer, DE Internationales, International Scholars Office, Build. 50.25, Room 102, Adenauerring 8, 76131 Karlsruhe.



Elena Pfeifer KIT

Elena Pfeifer

  • International Scholars & Welcome Office
    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
    Campus South, Building 50.25, Room 102
    Adenauerring 8
    76131 Karlsruhe