About the EPIDI project

The "European Partnership for Innovation in Distant Internships" project (2021-2023), funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ program, focuses on distance internships at universities, with an emphasis on identifying best practices, general and more specific recommendations, and the development of e-learning modules for the successful implementation of distance internships for all target groups involved: students, teachers, employers, and university administrative staff. In the wake of the Corona crisis, among others also internships were suddenly moved to the home office without the necessary frameworks and competencies in place to do so.

Therefore, three partners of the EPICUR Alliance, the University of Strasbourg (project leader), the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań (Poland) and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) joined forces into EPIDI.
Current forecasts indicate that the number of distance internships will continue to increase in the coming years. Therefore, it is more necessary than ever to shape this special form of internships and to create framework conditions so that such an internship can be an enriching experience for everybody involved.

As part of the project, the EPIDI team will first develop a best-practice guide, reflecting the experiences of the target groups surveyed and providing tips and tricks for a distance internship. In a second step, e-learning modules will be developed on the basis of this guide to help all participants to cope with different challenges of a distance internship.

Contact Person at KIT:
Nadine Berends Project Coordinator EPIDI nadine berends does-not-exist.kit edu
Best Practice Guide for Distance Internships

E-Learning Modules for Remote Internships

These E-Learning Modules help students to manage their Remote Internships better, more effective, more pleasant and more successful


Communication and Intergration

Tools and Formats


Virtual Business Etiquette

Digital Literacy

How to Network in a Digital World

Identify and Reflect on Soft Skills

How to Overcome Isolation

Overcome Physical Challenges

Self- and Time-Management

Did you pay attention? Test your knowledge here


Legal Framework and International Context

Remote Internships - Legal Frameworks and Conditions

Remote internships in an international context