At a glance – Visiting Scientists at KIT ...

  • are based at another institution and come to KIT for a research stay.
  • do not conclude an employment contract with KIT.
  • The legal framework for the use of the KIT infrastructure during the research stay is regulated in a Visiting Scientist Agreement, which is available via the DE RECHT is to be concluded.
  • In most cases, visiting scientists are postdocs, i.e. they usually have a doctorate*.
  • The duration of the stay is usually at least 4 weeks to a maximum of 2 years*.
  • have to announce their research stay via Mobility Online.

* There are a few exceptions or special cases. If you are unsure, please contact the IScO

Please note: Doctoral researchers do not count as visiting scientists (only exception: so-called 'sandwich model' doctorates)!

Common examples of Visiting Scientists at KIT are those funded by the following scholarship-awarding institutions and programs:

- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation - DAAD Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Helmholtz - OCPC (Office of the China Postdoctoral Council) - ICM Future Mobility Grants
- International Excellence Grants of KIT