The European University Alliance EPICUR (European Partnership for an Innovative Campus Unifying Regions) aims to create an attractive, innovative European university for a new generation of students in Europe. EPICUR comprises the three projects EPICUR SHAPE-IT , EPICUR Research and EPIDI (European Partnership for Innovation in Distant Internships). There is a special focus on interaction with society.
The nine university partners in the EPICUR Alliance are Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland), University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), Aristotle University in Thessaloniki (Greece), Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg (Germany), University of Upper Alsace (France), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT (Germany), University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria), South Danish University in Odense (Denmark) and University of Strasbourg (France). More about our alliance.
Did you know? Fun Facts about the EPICUR Universities (Download)
Offers by EPICUR
Apply now until September 5th, 2024! Thanks to the wide range of EPICUR courses on offer in the winter semester of 2024, you can now easily gain some experience abroad “on the side” and get to know students from other European countries.
There is something for everyone: from the online course “Mathematics for Engineers” offered by the BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna to the block seminar “Environmental Management” in Freiburg, where you can meet likeminded students and learn more about the risks of environmental factors for our health, and potential solutions to deal with factors like pollution, noise, and heat.
MoreOn February 12, 2024, the foreign ministers of France, Germany, and Poland announced the 'Weimar Excellence Initiative.' This initiative aims to strengthen academic cooperation through joint summer excellence programs. Especially early-career researchers can receive funding for projects with French and Polish partners. Funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by the French embassies in Germany and Poland, the projects will run from November 2024 to November 2025. Applications can be submitted until July 22nd, 2024.
MoreSend your testimonial and a short publication release at epicur@intl.kit.edu for a chance to win one of three 20€ Schauburg vouchers.
Click "More" for a DAAD guide on how to film your testimonial. (German)
MoreWe are thrilled to invite you to the 4th edition of the EPICUR Annual Forum at Université de Haute-Alsace from 11th to 12th June, 2024. This edition of the Forum will revolve around the theme: “Transformative Academic Teaching: Embracing Progressive Pedagogy in European Alliances” through engaging discussions, interactive workshops and enlightening keynotes.
MoreReady for an epic adventure with students from all over Europe? Join the EPICUR Student Board and shape the future with us! Organize unforgettable events where you can not only meet local but also European students. Experience the exciting atmosphere at one of our EPICUR partner universities at least twice a year – and the best part: EPICUR Alliance covers your travel expenses! Launch your own initiatives, lead inspiring workshops, and meet experts to gather valuable feedback for an even better study experience.
MoreCZEDUCON is the largest event in Central Europe for experts in higher education internationalisation. Organised by the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (DZS), the conference provides a platform to share best practices and find solutions to international education challenges. At this year's event in Brno, programmes such as EPIDI and EPICUR EIUC were presented.
MoreFrom 6 to 8 November 2023, the EPICUR Conference on Sharing Research Infrastructures was hosted by Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) in the beautiful, historic Gułtowy Palace near Poznań. The conference was jointly organised by AMU and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and brought together experts in research infrastructures, intellectual property rights and open science to work together on establishing a common policy on the use of research infrastructures within the EPICUR alliance. The productive meetings resulted in a clear action plan for three phases to establish a common policy and the recommendation of a new mobility format for master students and early career researchers that includes the sharing of research infrastructures. We would like to thank the AMU for making this successful event possible.
You can find older news in the archive
With its program „Europäische Hochschulnetzwerke (EUN) - nationale Initiative“ the German Academic Foreign Service (DAAD) supports the EU initiativ of „European Universities“. Since the beginning of the year, KIT and 21 other German Universities are supported in the third round of funding. They get around 14 Million Euros until 2026 out of the budget of the Ministery for Education and Research in addition to the EU funds.
LinkThe European Universities are alliances of universities that take on the Challenges of Europe with new methods in Education and research. In this Video by the german international agency DAAD you can discover more about the goals and vision of the European Univerisites from students, scientists and emplyees of german Universities.
LinkCore Goals of Universities are Education, Research and Innovation. But the European Comission also gave another responsibility to the "European Universities": To strenghten the connection between universities and society.