International at KIT: Important Documents in English
An important key to internationalization is language: in the long term, all important documents at KIT should also be available in English.
People from more than 120 countries work and study at KIT and enrich it in many ways. But they come up against a hurdle in many places: Until now, many relevant documents and information services such as statutes, forms, manuals, circulars or safety instructions have only been available in German.
There is a great need for bilingual documents at KIT - but which documents are actually requested by large groups of users? Which documents require a translation of the complete wording, and for which is an explanatory summary sufficient? Do in-house employees in OUs, institutes, faculties and administration translate? Or is the KIT language service or an external translation service commissioned?
"There is a process diagram on the intranet that helps with the decisions for this process," explains Maike Schröder from the Language Service. This also helps in the search for suitable external service providers.
"We want to live a tangible welcoming culture at KIT," says Dr. Klaus Rümmele, Head of DE International Affairs (INTL). "Hence our appeal to everyone at KIT who has to deal with important information and documents: Please check whether these could be relevant for KIT's international target groups and have them translated if necessary. That way, our international colleagues will really feel welcome and accepted here."
Process diagram:
Analysis of current situation and requirements for bilingual documents
The GLK+ initiated the project "As-is and needs analysis of bilingual documents" at KIT to ensure transparent access to relevant documents. Under the leadership of Dr. Klaus Rümmele and in collaboration with Professor Thomas Hirth, the current situation and requirements were determined, priorities for translations were defined and a process description was developed.
- Management Summary (in German)
- Final report (in German)