... a University of Excellence
KIT is one of the eleven German Universities of Excellence. As the only Research University in the Helmholtz Association, it closely combines teaching and research.
... employment opportunities
A degree from KIT offers you a great prerequisite for the job market. In the QS Employability Ranking, KIT has the highest hiring rate among German universities.
... free language courses
Every student at KIT can attend one language course per semester free of charge. You can choose whether you want to learn German or another foreign language.
... a MINT-Kolleg
The MINT-Kolleg supports students in the first semesters of their bachelor studies to acquire the basic technical knowledge required for their studies.
... Europe-wide networking
Among others, KIT is part of the two networks EUCOR (the European Campus) and EPICUR (European Partnership for an Innovative Campus Unifying Regions), together with numerous other European universities. KIT students benefit from this, for example, by being able to easily participate in courses at the other universities.
... a central campus
The KIT campus is located right next to Karlsruhe's city center and the Schlossgarten. Especially the Schlossgarten forms a popular meeting point among the numerous Karlsruhe students, who shape the whole appearance of the city. All beautiful spots in Karlsruhe can be easily reached by bike.
... University Sports
With about 340 course offerings in more than 70 different disciplines, the Institute of Sports and Sports Science offers KIT students a unique variety.
... internship opportunities
KIT maintains close cooperation with selected partners in industry. Students thus have the opportunity to build up a significant network.
Start at KIT: The most important things in advance
Organize financing early
You will need money to live, pay rent, and pay for health insurance. In addition, you will need to pay administrative fees and tuition. Financing through a scholarship is difficult because there are only a few scholarship programs. Already when applying for a visa to Germany you have to prove sufficient financial means (at least 934€ per month for a period of 12 months). Therefore, be prepared to work in student jobs during your studies. However, the experience of other students shows that it is better not to work during the first two semesters of study. If you have questions about financing your studies, you can contact the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe.
Start looking for an apartment as soon as you have been admitted
KIT itself does not have apartments and there are no student apartments on campus. There is a limited number of dormitory places in Studierendenwerk dormitories and in other dormitories near the South Campus. Many students also live in private shared apartments (WG) in the Karlsruhe area. If you need help finding housing, contact the Studierendenwerk's housing scout.
Mobile in Karlsruhe
Because of the excellent local transportation network with buses and trains, it is no problem if your place of residence is up to 30 km away from Karlsruhe. Karlsruhe is also one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in Germany. Students can use the rental bikes of the Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund (KVV) free of charge for 30 minutes at a time.
Self-organization is an essential skill that you demonstrate by studying in Germany. You are no longer at home, you have to plan and manage your daily life yourself, you have to take care of your household - and all this in a new culture, in a new country, with a new currency, new stores and different opening hours. Studying comes on top of all that. To help you cope with these demands, KIT offers help at the start of your studies and the buddy program for international students.
We will help you with your application for a study place. You will find information on the portal and the admission procedure on our website on application and admission.
Orientation in choosing a course of study
The Student advisory services (ZSB) supports you in your study orientation and advises you on the individual study programs. More detailed information on the different study programs is available on the websites of the eleven KIT faculties.
The University System in Germany
The education and university system in Germany is probably different from the one in your home country. To help you get to know it better, we offer the workshop "What is what in the studies" at Studienstart International. Here we explain the different types of exams, which courses there are and other important things (standard period of study, orientation exam, exam entitlement, etc.).
Career Service/Honorary Projects
Our Career Service supports you in applying for internships and student jobs and, above all, in your transition to a career after completing your studies. Even during your studies, you should gain important experience and qualifications for a career in Germany through a student job and/or volunteer work.
Making friends/establishing contacts
The offers of Start of Studies for Internationals and the O-phases of the student councils are ideal opportunities to meet new people. It is very easy to make contacts through volunteer work, for example in the AStA, in university groups and in the Buddy Program. There are also further opportunities through university sports or music groups at KIT.
Language learning
German language skills are crucial for successful studies and career entry. At the beginning of your studies and also during your studies afterwards, you should attend the German courses of the Studienkolleg. The German courses during your studies are free of charge - take advantage of the offer!

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