Postdoctoral researchers, experienced researchers, professors

All countries
2–4 month research stay at KIT
Research grant (from 2.700 up to 3.200 € monthly basic amount) + One-time travelling allowance
3 yearly selection rounds, 2020 – 2026


With International Excellence Fellowships, researchers working at KIT will be enabled to invite outstanding researchers from abroad – from early-stage researchers to senior scientists and research alumni – to execute a [research] project at KIT for a period of two to four months. KIT will grant up to 25 fellowships annually.

More information can be found in the Invitation of Proposals!

 Invitation of Proposals International Excellence Fellowships
 Overview of travel allowances


Documents to be Submitted

Nomination form
Official nomination statement
Joint research project outline
Tabular curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages) 
List of key publications (max. 10 publications)
Copy of doctoral degree or equivalent
Letter of recommendation from a scientist at he home institution or a key cooperation partner (but not KIT)

Please submit your nomination materials electronically to ieg∂ AND via interoffice mail to the following address:
Elena Pfeifer - DE International Affairs - International Scholars Office - Building 50.25, Room 102 - Adenauerring 8, 76131 Karlsruhe

Procedures and Deadlines 2024

Nomination Round Nomination Deadline Announcement of Results Start of stay (ideally) at the latest
Round 11 February 28, 2024 Late March, 2024 September 1, 2024
Round 12 June 19, 2024 Late July, 2024 December 1, 2024
Round 13 October 23, 2024 Early December, 2024 May 1, 2025


Information for Fellows and Their Hosts at KIT 

Guidelines for International Excellence Fellowships Program
Practical Information for Research Stay at KIT
Experience Report Template



Elena Pfeifer KIT

Elena Pfeifer

  • International Scholars & Welcome Office
    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
    Campus South, Building 50.25, Room 102
    Adenauerring 8
    76131 Karlsruhe