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On this page you can find information for KIT students about the mobility procedure at the Eucor partner universities Basel, Freiburg, Haute-Alsace and Strasbourg. General information about Eucor studies can be found here.
© Eucor
© Universität Basel, Christian Flierl
© Universität Freiburg, Sandra Meyndt
© Université de Strasbourg
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First, please register on the Mobility Online portal at KIT to receive all important information about the upcoming steps for your stay at a Eucor partner university. To the Mobility Online portal in German. To the Mobility Online portal in English.
Types of Mobility
Semester Times
Eucor-Learning Agreement
Travel Cost Subsidy
If you have further questions, please contact the Eucor team at KIT by email. You can also arrange an individual consultation appointment directly there.
Course catalogue:
Have a look at our graphics with explanations including tutorials: How to find courses at the Université de Haute-Alsace.
Or go directly to the tutorial on how to search for courses:
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Course catalogue:
French universities do not have a detailed course catalogue, which can also be found online in advance. The exact course catalogue is only published shortly before the semester starts, so it makes sense to select several courses in advance.
Take a look at our graphics with explanations including tutorials: How to find courses at the Université de Strasbourg.
Or go directly to the tutorials to search for courses:
By Faculty:
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