Calender of Events: International Affairs


The Bumpy Road of Maps: Critical and Creative Mapping

Monday, 27 November 2017, 11:30-15:30
Geb. 01.87 SR B 5.26, 5. OG
Rüppurrer Str. 1a, Haus B

Look on your right and left: Atlases, Google Earth or our car’s navigation system – we constantly produce and rely on maps. Make a stop and admit: these maps help us explore the unknown and nurture a sense of control. Take a big U-turn into the history: the maps were pieces of craft with images of landscapes, architecture, humans, and imaginary creatures. Increase your speed and ride back to nowadays: the maps lost that story-telling character and are mainly perceived as precise and indisputable representations of reality. Put on the glasses of a critic: these conventional maps reveal surprising normative connotations, which limit the visibility of diverse social realities. Be ready for a winding and creative road: we will critically look at maps by using historical, cultural, political, and artistic lenses; we will discuss the mapping of human migration, environmental pollution, and others social dynamics interesting for you. If you are up for a wild ride: we will co-create new ideas and prototypes for alternative mapping. A cautionary tip: a sufficient command of English is required in order to be able to actively participate in all activities. Focus will be set on creative projects rather than on written essays.


Mo 27.11.17, 11:30–15:30
Mo 04.12.17, 11:30–15:30
Mo 11.12.17, 11:30–15:30
Mo 18.12.17, 11:30–15:30
Thur 21.12.17, 11:30–15:30
Geb. 01.87 SR B 5.26, 5. OG
Rüppurrer Str. 1a, Haus B

Lilia Raileanu