Child Care & Schooling

Families moving to Germany will have to look for appropriate day care or schooling for their children. You should look into the question of childcare at the earliest opportunity and take the necessary steps to find a place for your children before your arrival in Karlsruhe.

For further information please visit the following sites concerning school children,  pre-school children, the KIT Family Portal and the Family and Childcare services in TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe, the  "Informationen zur Schule für Eltern aus dem Ausland" (only in German), the booklet "Bildungs und Beratungsangebote für neu zugewanderte Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene" (only in German)

The program "Interkulturelle Elternmentoren" helps parents from abroad who are not yet familiar with the German school and education system connecting them with parent mentors. (only in German)