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Dienstleistungseinheit Internationales (INTL)

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Adenauerring 2
D-76131 Karlsruhe

Campus Süd

Tel. +49 721 608-45958
Fax +49 721 608-42614


Veranstaltungskalender Internationales

Kultur / Freizeit

IScO / STK - excursion and seminar on regional culture: Strasbourg — City between two Nations

Samstag, 08. Juli 2017, 10:00-19:00
Meeting point: Karlsruhe Train station

On 8th July 2017, at 10 h we will meet at Karlsruhe train station for an informative breakfast, to then carry on with an excursion to Strasbourg, the European city, so strongly characterised by two nations. Our guide Helmut Schneider will explain, how the „to and fro“ of Strasbourg‘s history has left its marks on the cityscape, its inhabitants and their culture.
There will be further stops for background information while tasting some of the delicacies of the local cuisine, and of course time for free roaming around in this beautiful, very European town.
The party will leave Strasbourg around 19 h. (Alternative arrangements can be made.)
For further information please contact Visitingresearcher does-not-exist.INTL kit edu.
Registration: KIT Studienkolleg: www.stk.kit.edu (limited to 18 participants)

Kosten/ Zahlungsweise
Registration fees: €20, before the 30th June 2017. (money transfer / cash)
International Scholars and Welcome Office
Tel: 0721-608-45323
E-Mail: avh does-not-exist.intl kit edu