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Dienstleistungseinheit Internationales (INTL)

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Adenauerring 2
D-76131 Karlsruhe

Campus Süd

Tel. +49 721 608-45958
Fax +49 721 608-42614


Veranstaltungskalender Internationales


Karlsruhe's birthday 2015 – I'll show you my Karlsruhe!

Freitag, 11. September 2015, 0:00-0:00
Would you like to be shown the best places in and near Karlsruhe, by someone who knows his way around and can communicate in your language or do you want to offer a trip by yourself? The project 'I’ll show you my Karlsruhe' is available as part of this year's celebrations of Karlsruhe's 300th birthday. It offers the possibility of international exchange and intercultural encounters. For each excursion offered, small groups form that can communicate in a common language and take a little tour to a special place in or near Karlsruhe. Those who want to offer a trip can make contact via the website KA300 Karlsruhe's birthday: http://www.intl.kit.edu/ischolar/8030.php Descriptions of excursion ideas will be published on the website, for which those interested can sign up. From 31st July to 11th September different trips will take place every week. The interested parties and the trip providers will meet at the pavilion in the palace gardens (Schloßgarten). From there, the tour can then start. Offers & Events: http://www.intl.kit.edu/ischolar/8155.php 14. August - Bike Tour #1 - exploring Karlsruhe and the surrounding area by bike 15. August - Bike Tour #2 - exploring Karlsruhe and the surrounding area by bike 22. August - Bike Tour #3 - exploring Karlsruhe and the surrounding area by bike 28. August - On foot.. 4. September - "Sightseeing" in the Oststadt of Karlsruhe Registration: http://www.intl.kit.edu/ischolar/8165.php
IScO - KA300
International Scholars and Welcome Office
KIT, Dienstleistungseinheit Internationales
Tel: +49 721 608-48349
E-Mail: Stadtgeburtstag does-not-exist.intl kit edu