

KIT PhD Days | Connecting minds – key competences for interdisciplinary research

Wednesday, 26 September 2018, 9:00-17:00
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Bldg. 50.41, Room 145/146


Interdisciplinary research is in high demand today. Since many current challenges in science, technology and society are characterised by great complexity, it is essential for solving such problems that scientists combine the scientific tools of different disciplines. In addition to the inherently exciting nature of research crossing disciplinary boundaries, the ability to work in an interdisciplinary fashion is also increasingly considered to be a career-asset within and outside science.

Although engaging in interdisciplinary research has multiple values, initiating and conducting such collaborations can be challenging. On the one hand, the lack of a shared understanding of another discipline’s concepts, theories and methods might obstruct the productive exchange of ideas between potential collaborators. On the other hand, techniques for deliberately generating ideas for research collaborations might not be well known.

To enable young scientists to do collaborative research, this workshop will introduce strategies for creating a mutual understanding of each other’s work and for autonomously generating collaborative research ideas.


Participants of this workshop will:

  • practice strategies for communicating accessibly the meaning of their scientific tools to individuals outside their field,
  • train techniques for fostering creative thinking in science,
  • learn about the research of other individuals interested in interdisciplinary research.


Further information:

  • Please note that participants will be expected to prepare a brief presentation about their respective fields of research in advance. (More detailed information on this task will be provided some time before the event.)
  • This is a pilot project by KHYS to further develop its support for young scientists at KIT. We would therefore particularly appreciate your participation in the evaluation of this workshop.


This workshop is open to doctoral and postdoctoral researchers at KIT (KHYS members).


The workshop will be held in English.

Costs/ Payment
For KHYS members this workshop is free of charge.
Dr. Stefan Götze (KHYS)
Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS)
Straße am Forum 3
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 721 608-46941
Mail: eva lichtenberger does-not-exist.kit edu
Young Scientists
Number of participants
Registration possible from 2018-08-02 09:00 to 2018-09-23 23:59.