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Dienstleistungseinheit Internationales (INTL)

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Adenauerring 2
D-76131 Karlsruhe

Campus Süd

Tel. +49 721 608-45958
Fax +49 721 608-42614


Veranstaltungskalender Internationales

Kultur / Freizeit

IScO's family friendly excursion to the Karlsruhe Zoo

Sonntag, 15. März 2020, 0:00-0:00
Zoo Karlsruhe

Monkeys, Elefants, Big cats, Icebears, Kangaroos are just a few of the animals you will be able to explore on our next excursion.
Join us on our family-friendly trip to the Karlsruhe Zoo. We will have a general english guided tour and afterwards you are free to enjoy the rest of the day watching the roughly 900 animals from all over the world. There are also certain opportunities to watch the feeding ceremonies of some of the animals and several restaurants where you can be catered all day. Besides there is also a petting zoo, which might be interesting for the smaller participants.

Kosten/ Zahlungsweise
5,00 € p.P.
International Scholars and Welcome Office
Tel: 0721-608-45323
E-Mail: avh does-not-exist.intl kit edu