

Human "Biodiversity" in Work and Everyday Life

Dienstag, 07. November 2017, 9:00-19:00
Geb 06.35 R 219

Geb 06.35 R 219
Age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, physical condition, cultural background are some aspects of society’s shaping factors. But the majority of German (and West European) companies and organisations are still keeping up “monoculture” instead of human “biodiversity”. The norm is white, middle aged, with Western Christian background, heterosexual, not handicapped and when working in management positions male. Being different or belonging to a minority often means being excluded. Diversity programs enable people to work and live in an environment without discrimination and anxiety. As a result a win-win situation may develop.
Innovation: A diverse team with different lifestyles and cultural background has an extended perspective to develop creative ideas (thinking out of the box).
Positive Environment: People who feel welcome regardless of their different life experience are much more committed with a higher work motivation in their organisation or company.
HR-Recruitment – shortage of skilled labour: Though professionals may be highly skilled – if belonging to social minorities or nonconformist groups they often escape notice because companies fail to think out of the box.


Tue 07.11.17, 09:00-19:00
Wed 08.11.17, 09:00-19:00
Geb 06.35 R 219

Kerstin Kilanowski